I put a photo of this salad on Facebook and asked if anyone wanted the recipe – a couple of you waved your hands: So here you go!
Note, in the pics, I hadn’t added the dressing yet: I’ll do that right before I demolish it (I made this ahead of time for my work lunch tomorrow!). On that note: I have made this salad with a red wine vinaigrette and this orange one: This one is my favourite. There’s something special about the flavour combo of beetroot and orange 🙂
This is such a healthy salad that provides you with lots of nutrients. The walnuts are good antioxidants and promotes a healthy gut environment. The Beet Root is great at lowering blood pressure and even boosts the immune system! All of this, plus it’s really tasty!
Beetoot, Feta Walnut Salad with Orangey Dressing
Ingredients (serves 4)
4 beetroot
1/2 bag salad leaves (baby spinach or rocket are ideal)
Chopped feta 1/3 c walnuts, lightly toasted (put them in a small roasting dish and grill them on a low heat in oven, watch – they’ll burn fast)
1/4 red onion (finely chopped – soaked in icy water for 5 mins first – this step gets rid of the sharp ‘oniony’ taste!)
1 Tlb pumpkin seeds
1 Tlb sunflower seeds
Small handful chopped mint (thyme is good too)
Orangey Dressing: Juice of one orange, 1 Tlb avocado or olive oil, 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard, grind of fresh black pepper. Biff it all in a clean jar with a screw top lid. Shake the heck out of it. Taste: Adjust flavours as necessary.
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees (normal fan bake).
- Wash beetroot (keep skin on). Wrap ’em in foil. Biff them in the oven and bake for 1 hour. When a skewer goes in easily they are cooked. When cooked set aside for 15 mins to cool. When cool peel the beetroot and then chop into small cubes (wear gloves for this step as the beetroot will stain your hands!)
- Get a large salad bowl. Biff in the salad leaves, add the (now dried off) red onion, walnuts and beetroot. Sprinkle with seeds (I put seeds on everything, have you noticed?) and fresh mint/herbs. Note, I tend not to toss the salad ahead of time as the beetroot will colour everything red and I like the colours to stay ‘true’.
- Right before eating drizzle the dressing over orangey dressing.