This is quite possibly the most eclectic mix of monthly favourites I’ve ever done… (Shrugs shoulders).
Naked 3 Palette – Words. Cannot. Do. Justice. This palette is exquisite. If you’ve followed my blog for a while you’ll know how much I love the other two Naked Palettes from Urban Decay. I fought the urge to get this for several months. Heaven knows I don’t need any more eyeshadows and I was worried the pink/rose toned colours wouldn’t suit me. Oh, but I’m so glad I bit the bullet. I’ll do a proper review on this, including swatches, to share the love in a month or two. But for now: If you are looking for some high quality eyeshadows and like your girly pinks: You’ll adore this palette. By the way, perhaps surprisingly, it suits many skin tones (I can decide if I love it the colours on green, brown, or blue eyed babes the most!). Available from Beauty Bay (free international shipping). Price AUD$66.20 (remember one MAC eyeshadow is NZ$38, with this baby you get 12 shadows… ‘Nuff said?). Get it – and fight the urge to not sleep with it next to your bed.
Sunrice Rice and Quinoa Steamed Rice – I love brown rice and quinoa, this combo makes a fab salad base. These heat and eat sachets are a mid week lifesaver: Make a tear in the top of the pouch, bang it in the microwave for 90 seconds, done. If you like, add some of your favourite veges (cooked or raw), some feta and you have a gourmet super-speedy salad. Just the thing for a busy family. Available from supermarkets nationwide. Price NZ$3.69. (Note, photo of the salad and the recipe I made for dinner on Monday are at the bottom of this blogpost: Yum!).
Dial Body Wash – Every time I go to a ‘big city’ I make a beeline for the supermarket to check out what goodies they have there that aren’t stocked in little old Hawke’s Bay (I was in heaven in Thailand and Singapore last year!). I got these Dial body washes on a recent trip to Wellington and I adore the yummy scent, how they leave my skin clean, hydrated and feeling fresh and the price is tip-top. Bonus points for the lingering, yet not overpowering, scent (it’s a pet peeve of mine when the scent doesn’t last). I’m off to my local supermarket in wild hope that I’ve just been blind and walked right past these in the beauty aisle? Price NZ$5.99
T2 is in Wellington – You might recall me
waxing lyrical raving about T2 last November. Anyhow, there we were on Saturday, meandering down Wellington’s Willis Street when eagle-eyed-Hubby says, calmly, “isn’t that the brand of tea you like?” and points at a giant orange T2 bag being carried by a happy shopper in front of us. I’m not often rendered speechless, but my jaw hit the pavement: How did I not know T2 had opened in Wellington? I’ve been spending a fortune on international postage to get tea – Tea for Pete’s sake – from Aussie – From blinkin’ Aussie – to NZ’s shores. What’s the fuss about? T2 offers Australia’s largest range of tea and it sells amazing tea wares. Tea aside, a visit to their stores is a sensory experience in itself, I could spend hours in there with a camera. All this gushing aside, I’m not the world’s most experienced or adventurous tea drinker, I’m just a fan of T2’s Melbourne Breakfast tea and I happily departed with a massive loose leaf bag of the stuff (that’ll keep me happy for 100 cups). I also got this peacock tea cup which makes me grin from ear to ear (have you heard of that lighthearted (but surprisingly accurate) personality type assessment where you identify as either an eagle, owl, dove or peacock ? Click here if you are interested). Yeah, well, I’m a peacock). Wellingtonians can check out T2 on Willis Street in Wellington, or alternatively, there’s one on Queen Street in Auckland. T2 is a must visit even if you dislike tea but appreciate pretty wares!
Tweezerman Slant Tweezers – All tweezers are NOT created equal and I’d be utterly lost without these. In fact, I thought I had lost mine recently which prompted me to purchase another pair. That’ll teach me to pluck my brows on the couch in front of the TV: They’d slipped down the slide of the cushions. I can see why these are worldwide best sellers: They grip like a bastard and pull out the finest of hairs you’d not usually bother with. They are also seriously sharp and, aided by the slant tip design, these are seriously precise and my eye brows have never been so well groomed. Oh, and they are stainless steel, so they last ages (I usually go through 3-4 pairs of tweezers a year as they get so blunt so fast, I’ve had mine for 12 months already and they are still the schizzle). My Mum is also hooked on these and I’ve heard her doing blatant business development for Tweezerman too. Now, I’m not one to use the word ‘never’ lightly, but I will never buy another brand of tweezers again. Why the heck are these not available in NZ at retail stores? Or is it a bit like Dial Body Wash: Hawke’s Bay is behind the times? Fortunately these are easily available online. Thanks Pharmacy Direct for having the good sense to stock these. Price: The best NZ$32 you will spend.
So, do share, what beauty and/or foodie favourites have you been loving this month?
PS: Here’s the quinoa and brown rice salad I made for dinner on Monday (I served it up with dukkah crusted chicken breasts. Heaven).